Transformative Connected School System (TCSS)
The Transformative Connected School (TCS) System is intended to help you make the highest levels of school function and effectiveness a practical sustainable reality at your school. All schools have a Transformative Connected School within them that is being held back by explainable and controllable factors. The TCS system will enable you to understand what is limiting your growth and achievement, lays out a road map for success, and provides facilitation, training and tools to help you get there.
» Transformative Connected School System website
» Read TCSS explanation document (PDF)

Transformative Classroom Management
Transformative Classroom Management (TCM) is a system for creating maximum classroom function and effectiveness. It had been shown to improve student achievement and promote a "psychology of success in the classroom." TCM is aligned with the highest levels of the ASSC SCAI. Using TCM is the most effective way to move up the pathway to higher levels of function and effectiveness. What our research shows us it that most schools limit their growth and improvement by knowingly or unknowingly using classroom management practices that are based in controlling, coercing, coning, and bribing students and so never produce the levels of self-direction and responsibility necessary to encourage school improvement. TCM is the only book and system that explains in practical detail how to create the high functioning student centered community (i.e., the level 3 school).
» Transformative Classroom Management website
» Classroom Management Resource Site
» 10 Reasons to incorporate Transformative Classroom Management (PDF)

Transformative Leader Book Series - Coming soon

Change from the Inside - resource for climate leadership teams

Professional Learning Boards - course on TCM for credit

Paragon Learning Style Inventory
The PLSI a reliable instrument for obtaining Cognitive and Learning Style preferences for students and adults. It can be used with students from grades 3-12, within organizations, for personal self-knowledge and for many other applications. The PLSI can be obtained through ASSC and Paragon Educational Consulting by site license and includes printable interpretive materials related to learning, teaching, career, leadership, work tendencies, writing style, counseling, and self-improvement. Research findings suggest that teachers who understand learning style theory and the styles of their students achieve higher levels of motivation, enjoyment and academic achievement from their students.

Learning Style Resource Site

CA Superintendent's Report
Report outlines the recommendations from the CA superintendent of Public Instruction related to promoting higher level of achievement and improving the performance of schools with high minority populations. Recommendation #5 is to conduct a School Climate Evaluation. ASSC (formerly WASSC) is featured in the report. ASSC has been put on a "short list" of providers from the state.

» Closing the Achievement Gap. 2008 Report of Jack O'Connell's California P-16 Counsel

American Educational Research Association (AERA)
School Climate and Culture Special Interest Group (SIG)

Purpose Statement*

School Climate is the study of the social-psychological attributes of the school (such as school members' shared ideologies, values, norms, beliefs, feelings, methodologies and expectations for school members' behaviors and for the school's structure and operation), and how these attributes are organized in formal and informal school groups, with particular interests in their relation to student learning and achievement and to effective functioning classroom and schools.

Related school climate areas that are acceptable for this SIG are the following: character education, values-based instruction, safe and peaceful schools, bullying, job satisfaction, sense of belonging, community, positive discipline, caring communities of learners, collaborative decision making, parent as partners, moral education, tolerance, levels of openness and trust, respecting differences, etc.

*This statement is taken from Western Georgia Website.

While there is general agreement as to what constitutes school climate and culture, this may be a good opportunity to redefine the mission of our field and SIG. Currently, there are over 50 school climate inventories. Each defines climate slightly differently. Please offer your thoughts on the bulletin board related to the following questions:

Would a more uniform definition for the field of school climate research desirable?
Should such a definition be narrow, or broad enough to incorporate factors within a school
  that correlate and contribute to climate?
What is the difference between Climate and Culture?
What is a good school climate?